Once upon a time…
An Egyptian mum who had a passion for naturally derived products and ingredients. This passion was implanted by her grandma who used all kinds of vegetables and fruits on her skin while cooking.
And every time she visited her grandma, she would put her all the veggies peel and they would look at the mirror and laugh. She used to talk to her about ancient ancestors and how beautiful their skin was using the beauty of nature.
Until one day her eldest son had a bad eczema in his hands and the GP’s emollients were not effective at all. Because of that her son’s hands got worse and they started bleeding.
Because of that she felt angry and upset for her son and had to find an alternative.
So then she started her extensive reading and research. She took many courses to get to know all the secrets of nature’s remedies.
Overcoming all the failures she went through by being so persistent to find a cure for her son,
She finally made her own recipe for soothing her son’s pain.
So now she has her own brand called Amalya and many other lovely customers are relieved from their pain too.